Eczema Deeper Dive Masterclass

Perfect for my Eczema Sufferers!

After launching the Skin Rash Deep Dive (Level 1) masterclass, I sent out a survey and 100% of respondents said they wanted classes that were condition-specific...

And so, I created the Eczema Deeper Dive (Level 2) masterclass to help people like YOU understand what is going on through the unique lens of Eczema (rather than just from a general perspective)!

To be clear, this is  NOT the same information presented in the Skin Rash Deep Dive masterclass. The Eczema Deeper Dive Masterclass is a deeper dive into Eczema, building on what you will learn in the Skin Rash Deep Dive. That's why it's a "Level 2" class! 

This masterclass will help you deconstruct your Eczema puzzle that would take you MONTHS to do on your own.

Here's what you'll learn...

  • How to discover your "eczema type" so you know what direction to take your treatment (mine is called Dyshidrotic eczema, for example)
  • 29 lab tests to reveal the root cause of your eczema 
  • 4 lab tests that you shouldn't waste your money on - and why not to waste your time trialing fad diets for eczema
  • What you should (and shouldn't be) eating based on your "eczema type"
  • How to know if your elimination diet experiment is actually working (and when to stop it) without food fear!
  • How to know what kind of flare up you're having, what may have caused it, strategies to overcome it + specific products that can be helpful depending on the type of flare up you're experiencing 
  • Supplement recommendations + topical strategies based on my work with dozens of eczema clients (and personally trying just about every eczema product on the market)
  • Strategies for what to do when your eczema is super itchy
  • How to detox smoothly without side effects 
  • 3 case studies of my actual clients showing you how these principles work in real life to help set healthy expectations + up your mental game
  • Questions for your doctor (that you probably don't know to ask)


You'll get unlimited access to:

  • 2.5-hour video presentation
  • MP3 audio download of the entire class
  • Complete downloadable transcript of the class

PLUS these bonus materials + downloads:

  • List of Functional Tests (And How to Order Them Yourself)
  • Cross-Reactive Allergen Chart
  • Skin Rash Root Cause Finder (So You Can Find Your Unique Combo)
  • Low Stomach Acid Test (At Home)
  • And more!


$30.00 USD

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