Histamine Overload Deep Dive Masterclass

 Are you frustrated that you can't get any straight answers about why you have hives?

… why your results from extensive allergy testing keep coming back negative?

AND why excessive antihistamine use isn't helping to calm the constant itch?

Histamine intolerance (or Histamine Overload as I like to call it) can present (often very suddenly) in eczema, hives, urticaria (including autoimmune urticaria), dermatographia, sometimes rosacea, and even psoriasis. 

Often no clear answers are offered for WHY you can’t tolerate histamine anymore beyond bad genes, allergies, or autoimmunity.

Your body’s struggle to deal with histamine is intimately tied to chronic skin, gut + other health issues that should not be overlooked…

Even though it might seem like restricting high histamine foods and taking antihistamines are your only options for relief – there’s A LOT going on under the surface that you CAN work on.

So if your goal is to help your body regain the ability to break histamine down so you can…

  • Reintroduce high histamine foods without issue (and expand your diet)
  • Reduce or stop antihistamine meds (and even histamine-support supplements)
  • No longer need to take expensive Diamine Oxidase enzyme (DAO) supplements before meals
  • Reduce and even potentially stop the histamine symptoms completely in the skin  (like hives, urticaria, and dermatographia) AND in other body systems

This is why I created the Histamine Overload Deep Dive masterclass, to give you the tools and answers you've been searching for! 

To be clear – there is no silver bullet or quick fix to this issue because often the underlying problems driving histamine overload take time to rebalance.

My approach IS NOT just another “eat this diet” or “cut out these foods” type of approach. In fact, most of my recommendations don’t even involve food restriction because I’d prefer to help you start adding foods back in as soon as possible.

However my clinical experience has demonstrated time and again that there are underlying triggers + imbalances ignored by conventional medicine that drive histamine intolerance.

And these hidden triggers all have ACTIONABLE STEPS you can take to shift your system back to tolerance (so you can get normalcy back in your life + diet).

The information in this masterclass IS NOT the same that’s presented in any of my other masterclasses. It’s a deeper dive into the specific issues that make you sensitive to histamine + how to begin working your way back out of this frustrating state based on working with nearly 1000 clients worldwide.

Here's what you'll learn...

  • What is histamine, histamine intolerance AND histamine overload so you understand it from a root cause perspective
  • Deciphering which key supplements are most impactful for providing relief (and which to avoid like the plague)
  • Connect the dots between histamine overload, a very imbalanced liver detox system AND hidden gut bug problems
  • Specific diet + food changes to balance + support histamine that isn't just a cookie-cutter low histamine diet
  • How to assess the severity of your histamine overload cause (using a tool I developed in my practice that won't cost you ANY money)
  • How two specific (often overlooked) gut problems will turn you into a "histamine-production factory"
  • Key info on liver detoxing, sweating/saunas + overlooked environmental triggers (so you can decide if it will help or make things worse)
  • Best labs (and specific lab markers) to ask for that help you determine what's going on (both conventional + functional)
  • ... and loads more!


You'll get unlimited access to:

  • 2-hour video of my slide presentation
  • MP3 audio of the entire class
  • Complete transcript of the class

PLUS these bonus materials + downloads:

  • Histamine Overload Assessment
  • Low Stomach Acid Test (At Home)
  • Skin Rash Root Cause Finder
  • Research references + studies
  • And more!

$30.00 USD

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